Swiss Manager Crack
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Trusted Windows (PC) download SwissManager Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get SwissManager alternative downloads.
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- Swissmanager Unicode 9.0 Crack
- Swiss Manager Chess Crack
- Swiss Manager Pro Cracked
Swiss Manager Crackers
Installation of the program
1) Installation of the program
The installation takes place with the Setup file. SwissManagerUniCodeSetup.exe, available on my homepage
Start the program SwissManagerUniCodeSetup.exe with the Explorer
and follow the instructions of the installation program.
After setup, following files are copied on the harddisk:
Verzeichnis: C:Programm filesSwissManagerUniCode
File | Description |
SwissManager.exe | Swiss-Manager Unicode Program |
SwissManagerHelp_GER0.chm | Swiss-Manager Short info |
SwissManagerLanguage_NNN.Lan | Languagefile for Federation NNN |
Vorlagen Topaz denoise 5 serial key free download. | Directory for templates |
Example1_Pairing_Cards.xls | 1st Example for Pairing-cards Excel template |
Example2_Pairing_Cards.xls | 2nd Example for Pairing-cards Excel template |
FA1.xls | FIDE Arbiter Norm Report Form |
Html_vorlage.htm | HTML-template file |
IA1.xls | International Arbiter Norm Report Form |
SM.CSS | template für HTML-Files. |
Titleform.xls | Excel-template for FIDE-Title-Confirmation list. |
UserTemplates | Directory for user-templates |
TournamentReport.xls | Excel-template for FIDE-Tournament report. |
SwissManagerHelp_GER.chm | Swiss-Manager Haandbook German *) |
SwissManagerHelp_ENG.chm | Swiss-Manager Haandbook English *) |
SwissManagerHelp_CZE.chm | Swiss-Manager Haandbook Czech*) |
SwissManagerHelp_FRA.chm | Swiss-Manager Haandbook France *) |
SwissManagerHelp_RUS.chm | Swiss-Manager Haandbook Russia *) |
Verzeichnis: My DocumentsSwissManagerUniCode
File | Description |
EXCEL | Ordner für die Ausgabe von Excel-Dateien |
Spezial | |
HTML | Ordner für HTML-Ausgaben |
LISTEN | Ordner für alle Listen (Temporäre Dateien) |
TURNIERE | Ordner für alle Turniere |
Test_Single_RoundRobin.TURx | Test-Rundenturnier |
Test_Single_Swiss_System.TUNx | Test-Schweizer System Turnier |
Test_Team_RoundRobin.TUTx | Test-Mannschafts RundenturnierCossacks for mac os x. |
Test_Team_Swiss_System.TUMx | Test-Mannschafts-Schweizer System Turnier |
SwissManagerListParameter.dat | Parameterdatei für diverse Einstellungen. |
SwissManagerGlobalParameter.dat | Parameterdatei für selbstdefinierte Listen. |
2) Installation der Hilfe Datei

These help files are not installed with the Swiss-Manager Setup. There are suitable setup files on the Swiss-Manager Download Site.
3) Input of the Installation code
By the 1-st program start it is still necessarily to activate the program. I.e. to enter the installation code.
•The installation dialog opens itself automatically after few seconds. If you have already installed a Demo version, please use the menu item {Specials/Install..}.
•Follow the instructions in the dialog
•After clicking [accept conditions for use], the cursor is in the field code
•After you have entered the 15 characters long installation code (I send you the code after paying the invoive by mail) and confirmation of the input with [OK], the installation finished.
Import: With this number the program can be new installed any time. Keep this Code well.
4) Installation der Elolisten
The rating lists for AUT, FIDE, GER, SUI, CZE, SVK can be installed easy with menu items
{Rating lists/Update FIDE-rating list}
{Rating lists/Update AUT-rating list}
{Rating lists/Update GER-rating list}
{Rating lists/Update SUI-rating list}
{Rating lists/Update CZE-rating list}
{Rating lists/Update SVK-rating list}
Swissmanager Unicode 9.0 Crack
{Rating lists/Update RSA-rating list}
Swiss Manager Chess Crack
{Rating lists/Update ITA-rating list}
{Rating lists/Update CAN-rating list}
Swiss Manager Pro Cracked
If your desired ratinglist is not in the selection, it is possible to import an Excel-File. You find information how to do on my Swiss-Manager Download page under 'Download Rating-Lists'